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Turning Data Into News: The Visualized Power of Information VisualizationTurning Data Into News: The Visualized Power of Information VisualizationThe Business Insider
The Business Insider
That’s a map of extreme poverty in India, showing the location of the most vulnerable villages in India, where 60% of the population lives. And this is a recent census of Pakistan, depicting the areas where the poorest 5% of people live. They’re maps designed by Ben Fry, a researcher at Oxford’s Social Data Lab, who works on projects like this around the world.
If you look closer at this map, you’ll see that some of the colors and shapes are really subtle. But look at this map from just over a year ago. What has happened since then? With the help of a lot of powerful computer software, this map also tracks what we call “points of extreme poverty” in India and Pakistan. A lot of things happened between the two.
But if you scroll down and look closer, it’s easy to see something unexpected: A number of these spots of extreme poverty have stayed pretty constant.
The other day, we asked you what an “information icon” might be. In response, you sent us this image of the hamburger, the universal symbol for “information.” And many of you suggested that a bread loaf might be a more appropriate symbol: The “manna” is “information.”
After all, you know, when people eat a sandwich, it’s often to consume information: To read the newspaper, to get lunch.
When we asked you about other information icons, there were also many suggestions. Of course, Wikipedia is already a well-known information icon. The stock ticker is a popular choice, too.
The internet—along with social media—changed the way we consume information, but few symbols of that revolution have become as ubiquitous as the Internet Explorer browser icon. What’s more, Internet Explorer has evolved into the most popular browser in the world.
So it seemed natural that we ask you again: What is the most iconic icon of the internet? Which, ultimately, is the most powerful?
When we started investigating, we didn’t have a set definition for an information icon. We thought we’d find our answers by asking you, the people. So we set out on
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Sound Card: Not required. The DS game uses OGG audio as a background music. The sound quality is satisfactory on most of the
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