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That’s how I’m running my Test E right now. But if you’re using Prop, then you have to pin ED or EOD. If you’re pinning EOD then it would obviously not be consistent because of spacing out the days of the week. With prop i was told to keep the dosage the same for stable blood levels, less sides. But i guess its true that its not going to be consistent if you do every other day. A tad confusing lol. Is 300/400MG of Prop a week enough to see good results? I want to do 12 weeks of Prop EOD and 5 weeks of Dbol at 50MG ED. I consider 50mg’s a day of Dbol to be a higher dose for a more experienced user. I consider 50mg’s a day of Dbol to be a higher dose for a more experienced user. See bold above: 100% correct. That is why an ester has been attached. Prop can be injected ED, as it will result in the most stable blood levels, but for the average cycler, an EOD injection schedule is completely fine when prop is the shortest ester being used in the cycle. People sometimes make to big of a deal over “even blood levels”, as if even slight deviations are somehow going to reduce gains or cause severe side effects. This is NOT the case. We see guys all the time saying that it is fine to inject cyp and enth twice weekly, but then these same guys turn around and say prop should be injected every day. This is kind of odd being that all of the freely available research on the subject shows that injecting cyp/enth 2X weekly will result in at least as much flucuation in blood levels as injecting prop EOD (probably more). If one is injecting cyp/enth 2X weekly, there will be 4 days between one of the injections and 3 days between the other. All of the graphs detailing the release rates of cyp/enth show that cyp/enth reaches peak blood level concentrations within 24-36 hours post-injection and begin to decline rapidly after that. By day 4, testosterone levels have declined significantly. So, it is very contradictory for anyone to say prop must be injected ED, yet turn around and say it is fine to inject cyp/enth 2X weekly. We also read on the boards all the time that is is completely fine to inject tren ace EOD. How in all hell can it be fine to inject Tren ace EOD, but not inject the longer-estered Test prop EOD, testosterona dianabol y winstrol. That makes no sense at all. The bottom line is that there are only a few circumstances in which injecting Test prop ED would be ideal.
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