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Natural Steroids: 20 Anabolic Foods for Muscle & Strength Gains. Nowadays many men and women are searching for natural steroids. Mainly thanks to the much-publicised side effects associated with synthetic steroid use. While not as effective as synthetic steroids. These natural steroids offer a way to boost the production of testosterone and other hormones, resulting in muscle and strength gains. Please read on to discover what foods you should eat to optimise your own muscle growth and hormone levels. But, first, we will talk about what steroids are and why they are probably best avoided. Originally created in the 1930s to treat hypogonadism, steroids were developed to help boost testosterone to promote growth, development and sexual function. It didn’t take scientists long to discover that steroids offered various other benefits too, including performance enhancing abilities. Steroid use will cause both anabolic and androgenic changes to your body, with the anabolic changes causing an increase in muscle growth. Androgenic changes will affect your sexual characteristics. Most steroids are more anabolic than androgenic, but this will depend on the steroid chosen, superdrol 25 mg injectable steroids $49.00 superdrol. Steroids are often injected, but they are also available as tablets too for oral consumption. Once used they will travel through your bloodstream before coming into contact with a steroid receptor molecule. This is found in your muscle cells. When this occurs the interaction will cause an increase in protein synthesis , resulting in an increase in muscle mass. Potential Benefits of Steroid Use. Steroid use has been proven to offer numerous benefits [1]. These include: An increase in lean muscle mass Strength increase Improved stamina A reduction in recovery times Less body fat An increase in bone density. Research has also shown that the benefits gained are not short terms benefits either. It has been shown that those who have used steroids in the past had a competitive advantage over those who had never used steroids before. Side Effects Associated with Steroid Abuse. Using steroids has been linked to various side effects [2]: High blood pressure An increased risk of heart and liver disease Increased risk of injury Infertility Aggression or ‘ roid rage ‘ Acne Unusual hair growth Hair loss Gynecomastia or ‘ man boobs ‘ Female steroid users may encounter virilization too, which is when the steroid used causes them to acquire male characteristics. While many of these side effects can be temporary, many of these issues may lead to long-term or permanent problems. Natural Steroids in Foods.
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