When your hard drive gets cluttered with all kinds of useless files that you never get to launch, it's time to resort to a software cleanup solution. Most people prefer to have control over the entire cleaning operation facilitated by the program, to make sure that important files do not accidentally deleted in the process. A popular example for this is Piriform's CCleaner, which comes bundles with rich options and configuration settings dedicated to system cleanup and optimization.
Quickly free up disk space with this simple ap
However, if you wish to get quick results without having to even look at a window, let alone configure settings, you can take a look at DClearSystem. It's a tiny, lightweight and portable Windows utility meant to help you swiftly regain disk space by eliminating unused data.
No graphical or command-line interface is provided by the application when launched. It seems to be a simple process that runs quickly in the background. The good news is that the cleanup operation is taken care of automatically, as soon as DClearSystem is executed. The bad news is that it's not evident what the software tool is designed to do.
Doesn't require configuration
A closer inspection reveals that the app is trained to empty the temporary folders found in %UserProfile%, %WINDIR% and WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download). It also identifies and removes all backups made of system updates. But it's recommended to not run the program while Windows is currently downloading and installing updates, since this may lead to conflicts. It's also a good idea to run the tool with administrative rights, in order to avoid any permission errors on file access.
DClearSystem hasn't received updates for a long time and it no longer in development. However, our tests have shown that it still runs on newer Windows versions. Since it doesn't require installation, you can keep it stored in your collection of portable software and fire it up whenever you need to quickly clean up your PC.







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Please do not download and use the software listed here. In order to protect Windows and the users, we only allow websites where the download links are from the developer and the solution is licensed under GPL. We don’t share any information about the developer or the license.

We strongly believe in protection of your PC. That’s why we offer you a fully featured and trustworthy CCleaner alternative: Cloud Cleaner. The technology is currently in public beta phase. We built Cloud Cleaner from scratch because we’re really passionate about providing you a trustworthy application that makes your system much cleaner, much faster and easier to maintain.

Cloud Cleaner Description:

Cloud Cleaner is a clean, powerful and completely free alternative to the popular CCleaner. It’s small, lightweight and portable to boot, so you can carry it around with you on your USB Flash Drive!

Basically, Cloud Cleaner does the same thing as CCleaner and more! By installing it on your system you will get the following features:

Clean your registry – Cloud Cleaner will work on your most used software and web browsers (for example, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) to clean all the leftover files and information and other junk items. Cloud Cleaner will make a complete registry scan for you on all programs

Clean your browser history – Cloud Cleaner will collect all the web history of your browser, it will clean it and free up the memory used

Don’t use it if you are looking for a CCleaner alternative with all the bells and whistles, but don’t want to bother with all the configuration!

Crashes often happen.
I have to use the original program, after every update, it automatically loads, and then it freezes and I have to force it to close. The same does not occur with your program. Why?


Why just CCleaner?

CCleaner is a free removal utility for Windows, which allows you to clean the Windows registry and remove temporary files. It has an integrated registry cleaner, a file scanner and a system optimization tool. The following versions are available:

New version CCleaner 4.7.1

Stable release CCleaner and older


Runs silently in the background and removes system clutter

The software is small and runs with no user interface

The application, together with the documentation, have a wizard-

DClearSystem License Keygen [Win/Mac]

100% Cleaner application which removes temporary files, caches, cookies, downloaded files, recycle bin files, backup files, etc from your PC

EdgesDrive prunes the unwanted files from the desktop and your PC, as well as from other folders, such as My Documents, My Music, etc.

This utility will not clear or delete important files or folders.

It will simply clean up unused files that are taking up space on your computer.

System Requirements:

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10

Windows Store Apps are easily installable on Windows 10 and include the latest updates along with Windows OS.

To install and run this application, you need to have administrative rights.

Do you have a moment to help me learn the real way to create a free restore points in Win 7?

I used to use Win Key + R to open the Runbox, and typed “%ProgramFiles%\Windows\System32\restore\rstrt.exe” /f c:\mybackup.
After I launched rstrt, I selected the file “c:\mybackup\backup.rst”. This was my backup. It was created in Win XP. I have Win 7 now and I am not able to open that file at all, neither by double-clicking or right clicking. I tried moving the backup.rst to Win 7’s “program files” folder. I also tried switching the copy permissions from read and write to read-only. It doesn’t help.

How do I create a simple and free way to restore my computer at any time?

I want to prevent the system from “overheating” so I can’t just use the on-screen warning!Q:

Make search bar insensitive to backspace pressed

I am working on an application with search bar, what i have to do is to inset search bar with padding, so that user is not able to press backspace button to delete the text. After a little search i found this answer. But this wasn’t implemented for my application. Is it possible to make search bar insensitive to backspace pressed?


This is the code that I used to add a search bar on uiview controller class:
In viewDidLoad function :
SearchBar*searchBar = [[SearchBar alloc]init

DClearSystem Crack License Key Full

DClearSystem is a Windows utility that clears unnecessary files from the system, namely temporary files, Internet browser cache, temp directories and backup files.
The size of a temporary file is determined by the system when it is created. The system reserves a certain amount of space in the temporary folder for each application that is currently running. The size of the temporary folder can be reduced by killing unwanted applications or by closing the applications themselves. A temp file is also automatically deleted after a certain amount of time.
DClearSystem is a no-login system utility that is available as a portable app that doesn’t require installation. It will automatically detect the user environment and delete files in the system directories.

A browser that provides you with the best web surfing experience is a very important and useful software tool. Internet Explorer is Microsoft’s flagship browser that’s used throughout the entire company, and it’s also the default web browser of Windows. It was first released in 1999, when internet browsing was still a fledgling industry and each web browser struggled to find their own place in the market.
Today, Internet Explorer is still the most popular browser on Windows 10 because of its ability to perform almost any operation in a safe and simple way. It’s a software that makes you more productive and personal, saving you hours of your time every day.
Internet Explorer 10 provides a clean and simple user interface, which makes it easier to do even the most common tasks. It’s also the one of the best options to keep your browser secure and clean.
If you want to take full advantage of the web browser to the max, you can take a look at the latest version of Internet Explorer 11. Let’s have a look at its features:
The latest version of Internet Explorer includes new options that will increase your browsing experience. It also gives you the tools to keep you safe online, making a more secure and enjoyable browsing experience available at all times.
The first feature is the URL inspection, which allows you to dig deeper into the pages you visit and see what could potentially mess up your browsing experience. You can also go to a URL directly from the address bar, instead of clicking on it.
Internet Explorer 11 also includes a new default search engine. This option is suggested to be used as the default option for searches but you can disable it and use the search engine of your choice.
Internet Explorer 11 also makes it easier to manage the privacy of the websites you visit. You can automatically save and sync your favorites, history and other personalization settings.

What’s New in the DClearSystem?

If you are constantly plagued by slow down of your system due to cluttered operating system, then you must have some or other file which clogs your hard disk. It might be the corrupted program files, duplicate, audio or video files, or any other file or folder which resides in your hard disk that is not in use.
Hence, in such scenarios, an image file is created with the inbuilt method of Windows called as disk defrag. To get your image file backed up, you can use Disk Defragmenter which is available in program and product section of the web. Although, in order to setup Disk Defragmenter, you need to have a lot of time to get configured.
But, by creating a disk image, you can free up considerable amount of space and avoid the tedious task of defragging every single file or folder on the system manually. Disk Defragmenter can defragment and optimize your disk in order to overcome various issues like fragmentation, and restore fragmentation levels to a previous state.
If you have some or other unwanted link or files in your hard disk, then it is a good idea to delete them. But, before that, it is always better to make an image of your disk so that you do not have to lose data due to some third party software which may go for some unauthorized deleting operations and accidentally deletes important files or links. So, it is better to back up the entire disk using a 3rd party software and clean up all the unused files which are not required anymore.

Free up disk space with this simple portable tool

Since many users prefer to have command-line tooling, then you can go for DCCleaner, which is a good compact and portable application from Piriform, that is available for free download on its official website. It is a simple and easy-to-use command-line application meant to free up disk space. You do not need to have special skills to use this software, since it has a command-line interface. You can also download the desktop version of the app, if you do not want to rely on the built-in command-line utility.
The first thing you will notice when you fire up the application is that it appears to be a DOS shell. However, it is not windows command prompt. Just choose a folder where you want to save the image file and click on the Start button to generate a detailed view of the system, including summary of the size of various folders and files


System Requirements For DClearSystem:

Minimum system requirements are:
OS: Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.0GHz
Intel Quad Core 2.5GHz
AMD Dual Core 2.0GHz
AMD Quad Core 2.5GHz
Memory: 1GB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GT 220 / ATI Radeon HD 4870
Recommended graphics card specs are:
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GT 330 / ATI Radeon HD 58


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