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Azure RDP Connection via PowerShell

I have been looking everywhere for an example for a powershell script to log in to an Azure RDP server and login with a given username/password.
I have tried the following so far and have not succeeded.
$Runspace = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()
$PwdCredentials = Get-Credential
$Runspace.SessionState.SetVariable(“ComputerName”, “”)
$Runspace.SessionState.SetVariable(“UserName”, “HaleyJSmith”)
$Runspace.SessionState.SetVariable(“Password”, “???”)
$PowerShell.AddCommand(“Get-WmiObject Win32_RemoteAppConfigurationSetting”)

All my research has come up with is information on how to get an IP address but nothing on how to authenticate.
Any help is appreciated.


Thanks to eagle-eyes comment on my question, the powershell script I had was close but needed to call the cmdlet Invoke-Command. Since Invoke-Command will use

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How to make the `fromList` an infix operator in Haskell

I’ve been playing around with defining infix operators using the “fromList” Haskell function (fromList :: [a] -> a) and I’d like to be able to do this…
_++_ _

I can do
fromList [1,2] + 3

Which gives me 6.
But I can’t figure out a way to make the above work.
I am aware that I can define infix operators using the ‘&’ operator as in:
(a & b) + c

But my question is;
Is it possible to make fromList work as an infix operator, and if so, how can I do this.


& can be used to define infix operators; fromList cannot be used as an infix operator.
This is mostly due to the need to make the operator apply to the arguments independently, so that the types of each function argument can be related to the types of the operator arguments.
There is one (bad) way to make fromList work as an infix operator; to modify the type of fromList to [a] -> Maybe a so that it becomes infix-friendly. However, this is a very bad idea, as it will make all functions that use fromList fail to type check, not just the operator you defined.


How to provide custom content for a specific page?

I have a custom post type called ‘customers’ and I created a custom template for the page. I successfully display the customer name and telephone number on the page (as per my first two functions below). However, on the page, I also want to display other content that is specific to the individual customer. For example, in each customer’s blog post, I would like to include a user reference that says something like ‘John Smith’.
How can I get this content to display in the template I created?
function display_customers() {
$customers = get_posts( array(
‘numberposts’ => -1,
‘post_type’ => ‘customers’,

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