AutoCAD Crack+

Windows Apps

AutoCAD 2018 New Features (Windows)

AutoCAD Architecture (2D)

Grow and shrink 2D objects to change their shape or position. Using the Grow, Grow, Grow option, you can change the shape of the object by changing the length, width, and height of the object’s internal lines. You can also use the Grow option to move an object.

AutoCAD Architecture (3D)

Use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to get a 3D object to grow into any shape. Use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to change the shape of a 3D object.

SketchUp (2D)

Use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to change the shape of a 2D object.

SketchUp (3D)

Use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to change the shape of a 3D object.

SketchUp (2D)

Using the Grow, Grow, Grow option, change the size of a 2D object, and move it to a different location.

Grow, Grow, Grow

The Grow, Grow, Grow option (G) lets you change the shape or size of an object. G is also used to change the shape of a 2D object.

Solid Drawing (2D)

Lasso an object, and then press G to change the shape of the object.

Solid Drawing (3D)

Lasso an object, and then press G to change the shape of the object.

Solid Drawing (2D)

Press G to use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to change the shape or size of a 2D object.

Solid Drawing (3D)

Press G to use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to change the shape or size of a 3D object.

Solid Drawing (2D)

Use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to change the size of a 2D object.

Solid Drawing (3D)

Use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to change the size of a 3D object.


Use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to change the length, width, and height of a 2D object.

3D Dimensions

Use the Grow, Grow, Grow option to change the length, width, and height of a 3D

AutoCAD Crack

3D Animation
AutoCAD includes powerful 3D animation capabilities for creating and working with animated 3D models. The primary difference from the 2D version is the use of x, y, z axes for animation, as opposed to the more familiar u, v, w.
AutoCAD 2008 introduced a new feature called multi-angle tilt. This allows creating complex and flexible animations that can tilt and change dimensions. AutoCAD 2009 has added a host of 3D animation tools and improvements.


The CAD application supports 3D and animation of any 3D object and on-screen user interface.

With 3D viewers and viewers, customers can review and analyze the design in 3D. 3D viewers are included with AutoCAD and take advantage of the DWG format. Object viewers support.dwg and.stp files.

AutoCAD was originally developed by Computer Associates from 1983 until 1995 when Autodesk bought it from Computer Associates.

Since 1996, AutoCAD has been released on several platforms. During its history, AutoCAD has been significantly enhanced and expanded. The original AutoCAD was released as a 16-bit program with a command-line interface, while AutoCAD LT was a 32-bit version, and AutoCAD LT Extended and AutoCAD 2010 (and later) were 64-bit programs.

In 2000, the original AutoCAD was upgraded to AutoCAD 2000. New features included user interface customization, animation of the windows, programmable buttons, object snap, 2D to 3D and reverse 3D geometry, GIS support, and a new user interface style. AutoCAD 2000 was the first AutoCAD release to support the Windows 9x, NT, and 2000 operating systems.

AutoCAD LT was created as a simpler version of AutoCAD with fewer features. AutoCAD LT is a 32-bit program. LT EXT is a 64-bit program that supports the release of AutoCAD LT 2005. The LT EXT version of AutoCAD LT supports the Windows 9x, NT, and 2000 operating systems.

AutoCAD 2010 introduced many new features, including vector graphics, the object snap, the NURBS surface creation tool, parametric surfaces, curves, Boolean operations, and user interface customization. The 2010 release also included enhancements and extensions to add enhanced visualization capabilities and the ability to analyze imported CAD files. AutoCAD 2010 is 64-bit and


1. Go to File>Preferences…
2. Click on the Autodesk tab
3. Click on the Options… button
4. In the Autodesk Options window, select your current/previous version of Autodesk Autocad
5. In the Autodesk Options window, select the version to be upgraded to


Version 1.1

Some of the features added in this release are:

– Customizable interface.

– If you are an Autodesk Registered User you can follow this procedure to install the new Autocad version:

1. From the Autodesk Autocad Start Menu select: Install/Uninstall Add-Ons/Personalize

2. Select the new version ( or above)

3. Click on the Install button.

4. A dialogue box will appear asking for your Autodesk account.

5. Click OK

6. The installation will begin

7. Click on Close

8. In the Autocad Customization dialog, select Start Autocad

9. Open the Autocad Start Menu and select: Options/Document Info…

10. A new window will appear displaying the information for the chosen document

11. Select File Version…

12. A new window will appear asking for the current version of the chosen document

13. Enter the version number of the desired document

14. Click on OK

15. Click on Save

16. Close the Autocad Customization dialog

17. Close the Autocad Customization dialog

18. Open the Autocad Start Menu and select: Update/Check for updates/Autocad

19. A new window will appear displaying all of the available updates

20. Select Install…

21. Select the new version ( or above)

22. Click on Install

23. A dialogue box will appear asking for your Autodesk account

24. Click OK

25. The Autocad update will begin

26. When the update is complete click on Close

27. Close the Autocad Update

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Collaborate with the Autodesk Revit team by importing shared files, combining Revit assemblies with AutoCAD drawings, and exporting the entire assembly to Revit XML. (video: 6:26 min.)

Design Validation:

Automatically check design elements with criteria that you define. For example, you can apply validation rules to prevent objects from penetrating each other or from overlapping outside specified boundaries. (video: 3:11 min.)

Improvements in AppExpert 3D:

Make it even easier to interact with your 3D models. In AppExpert 3D, you can now access information about the model, including its name, author, parent model, and check for geometry errors in the model. (video: 3:24 min.)

We hope you enjoy AutoCAD 2020. Please join the conversation on the product forums at

A dedicated Apple design team, led by Dermot Manahan, has re-implemented the two key design tools in AutoCAD, Markup and Dimension, and have significantly upgraded their performance for improved experience.

AutoCAD Design Lab is a new platform that lets you easily test and iterate your drawing files and proofs, and launch into production with confidence.

An expanded Document Exchange (DX), which is now organized by business process, has added more document types and has been improved to easily pull in new documents.

A new Drafting Template Browser allows you to create new templates for existing or new applications.

The DX includes an online gallery for 3D-printable templates for the most common AutoCAD tools.

Markup has been re-designed with a new and innovative structure that reduces workload for both you and the system. The application now comes with an intuitive, user-driven interface that makes it easy to work with. We also reduced the load time of several Markup commands by 50% or more.

We also streamlined the Markup interface. For example, the object tree view has been replaced by a left-side panel with the current action you are performing.

New Actions

The Markup tool includes the following new actions:


Convert dimension constraints to constraints.

Delete objects

Convert symbols to text and vice versa.

Dot (line)

Draw over an existing line.

System Requirements:

Online Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer Description: Enjoy this addictive online multiplayer shooter!
Featuring many different types of unique and detailed weapons, you’ll never be short of things to shoot.
Try out the various game modes or take on the AI. It’s up to you.
Offline Single-Player Gameplay
Offline Single-Player Gameplay Description: Play through the whole game offline!
You can try out all the various game modes and play through the different parts of the game!
Offline Multiplayer Gameplay
Offline Multiplayer Game

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