There are so many reasons to have casual sex, and some of them aren’t exactly diseases you’d probably want to get if you knew about them before getting down and dirty. In fact, lots of people might enjoy casual sex without even realizing the existence of STIs or other health complications that can result from it.
But others are actually pretty dangerous. Here are four of them:
#1: Sexually transmitted infections
Hooking up can lead to new viruses entering your body. Although most are pretty common (like chlamydia), others are less common and carry worse consequences.
Chlamydia: It’s the most commonly diagnosed bacterial STD in the US and can cause blindness in the developing fetus. Of the people infected with it, about half don’t even know they have the STD.
Gonorrhea: Because women are as equally at risk for developing gonorrhea (as they are for chlamydia), it’s become one of the most common STDs in the US, infecting both men and women in every state in the US, per Planned Parenthood. After the development of antibiotics in the 1940s, it wasn’t really a problem anymore, but it is currently making a comeback in men who have sex with men.
Syphilis: It’s very common nowadays, and although it is treatable, it can cause lasting problems if not treated right away. It’s still one of the most common, if not the most common, STD in the US.
Herpes: It’s even more common than herpes is for straight people, so it’s not exactly surprising to learn that upwards of 80% of the adult population has it (thanks to oral sex and being exposed to a lot of cum). It’s treatable with anti-viral medication.
#2: Unprotected sex
If you’re hooking up with someone who isn’t using condoms or a dental dam, you’re putting your body at risk. One of the most obvious reasons for not hooking up is to take a chance on having unprotected sex and spreading a disease, a risk that the CDC has deemed very real and one that can affect thousands of people.
#3: Broken relationships
Some hookups can be the end of a serious relationship if a girl or boy doesn’t feel comfortable enough to actually end it or if the relationship became too frivolous or superficial. Sex might be the sole reason they break up with someone, but without it, they probably wouldn’t do it.
#4: False assumptions
Everyone does
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… not necessarily. There are many circumstances when casual sex can be bad, but the data on whether or not it’s bad for people is still very limited. According to a recent study from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, however, casual sex can increase your risk for HIV. “Regardless of the context of your casual sex, any sexual contact carries a risk of the transmission of STIs, including HIV,” says Emma Hurst, a spokesperson for the National Aids Trust.
After all, the higher someone’s number of casual sex partners, the greater their chance of passing on infections to the next person, because people who have sex with more partners are more likely to have multiple partners over the course of their life.
“The big message for people is if you have sex without protection, you increase your chances of being infected with HIV,” says British sex research scientist Ollie Masters, who researches sexual behavior and STDs at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
The only difference is that people who have casual sex in the context of an ongoing sexual relationship also know that they’re not passing anything along to the person they’re sleeping with, because their sexual partners are aware of and communicate their STI status.
For people seeking casual sex on an app, however, that’s simply not the case, and being “turned off” by that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. When you’re in the heat of the moment with a new partner — someone you barely know in real life — the stakes and the consequences are not going to be as clear to you, and you might not be as conscientious about confirming your partner’s information and making sure that they disclose if they’re negative.
So here’s the thing to consider. Casual sex is usually healthy — you should always use protection for every and any sexual encounter, but it’s okay to have sex with someone you don’t really know, and who you’re only having sex with in hopes of getting the quick fix of intense sexual pleasure.
While these days, casual sex has mostly been relegated to sex workers and drug addicts who do it out of financial necessity and because they’re lonely and bored, it doesn’t need to be that way. If you want to casually indulge your sexual cravings — sometimes without even having to leave your couch — it’s really not going to matter if you’re a Virgin, a Pro, or even a Kinky Bottom.
You might not have that option in your sexual life right now, but that