AutoCAD Crack + Activation Key Free [Mac/Win] [March-2022]

Since its release, AutoCAD has gone through several major revisions (sometimes called revisions by users). The first major revision was the AutoCAD 2 series (in 1986). Since then, AutoCAD has gone through two more major revisions, the AutoCAD 3 series (1996) and the AutoCAD 4 series (2005). In 2012, Autodesk introduced a fourth major revision of AutoCAD named AutoCAD 2012.

Since 2012, AutoCAD 3D modeling is available. However, the vast majority of users continue to work with 2D drafting. AutoCAD 2D is supported in most AutoCAD versions from 2002 onwards, except 2011 which is based on AutoCAD 2009.

AutoCAD does not require installation; instead it is integrated into Windows operating systems and available as a free download from

AutoCAD got a major update in version R13 in the summer of 2006 ( R12 was released in 2005). The update included many new features and improvements. This version also introduced the ability to select the color of the linetype of a drawing element and apply the new color to all the elements with that linetype in that drawing.

The web publishing tool DWG, which was introduced in AutoCAD 2003, was discontinued in AutoCAD 2009, but is still available separately in the 2009 version (DWG is only a small part of AutoCAD).

In the spring of 2008 Autodesk discontinued the command line based command language (CL), its predecessor to the macro language. For many years, this was the only way to program in AutoCAD.

AutoCAD 2010 R12 introduced the ability to merge and split objects in a drawing.

AutoCAD 2011 introduced the ability to make multilevel drawings (sub-drawings with sub-sub-drawings, etc.).

The most recent version AutoCAD 2013 (released in March 2012) introduced the ability to navigate the drawing canvas using a touch screen or keyboard-based input. This version introduced a Windows 8-style start menu, as well as other improvements in both the interface and the software itself.

AutoCAD 2014’s release in October 2013 included the ability to use the Windows ribbon interface as well as the ability to use both pen-and-ink and keyboard-based input methods.

AutoCAD 2015 (released in July

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ObjectARX is a C++ class library for developing custom plug-ins for AutoCAD, which was added in AutoCAD 2010. It runs on Windows only.


External links
AutoCAD Web Site: About AutoCAD

Category:Technical communication tools
Category:Technical communication tools
Category:Graphics software
Category:Technical drawing toolsQ:

How to set the value of a variable in awk?

I would like to replace a specific pattern in a line using the awk syntax.
I have a file like this:

And I would like to replace “sample” by a specific string.
For example I would like to replace “sample” by “hello”.
The following code should do the job:
awk ‘/sample/ {printf “%s:hello
“, $1}’

But it does not.


You must define the string as a variable.
awk -v old=”sample” -v new=”hello” ‘/sample/ {$1 = new}1’

Optimization of resolution in an elliptic filter array for one-step generation of arbitrary profiles in Fourier space.
We have developed a technique to implement spatial light modulators (SLMs) that permit arbitrary profiles to be built from the Fourier-space digital representation of an input image, without the use of an inverse Fourier-space operator. In this approach, SLMs are used in a novel manner to modify, in one step, the optical Fourier spectrum of an input image without the need for an inverse Fourier transformation. By inserting an elliptic array of phase and amplitude masks between the input SLM and a grating and shifting it, the desired Fourier spectrum is generated. In this paper, we investigate two different strategies to shift the elliptic array and show that one approach results in improved resolution for the direct generation of arbitrary optical spectra./* Copyright (c) 2014 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
* The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
* Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
* Licensees are granted free,

AutoCAD Crack + Full Version Download [Mac/Win] [Updated-2022]

Diary of a Madman (disambiguation)

Diary of a Madman is an autobiography by Eugene V. Debs.

Diary of a Madman may also refer to:

Diary of a Madman (1921 film), a British silent drama film
Diary of a Madman (1949 film), a remake of the 1921 film
Diary of a Madman (novel), a novel by Thomas Mann
Diary of a Madman (1966 film), a film adaptation of the Thomas Mann novel
Diary of a Madman (1971 film), a 1971 film adaptation of the Thomas Mann novel
Diary of a Madman (1973 film), a 1973 French adaptation of the Thomas Mann novel
Diary of a Madman (play), a play by Gene Kelly
Diary of a Madman (1968 TV series), a Chinese television drama adapted from the novel

See also
Diary of a Squire, a satirical novel by English writer Thomas Love PeacockIn the documentation for the Geography::LocalGeographicCoordinateSequence type the documentation states the following:


It is claimed on the website that if you put in the value of Longitude (which is given as a list in the API) that the Latitude and Longitude values will be automatically generated. This is not the case for me, and I was unable to find a list of the values that can be used as a substitute for Longitude.

I need the Longitude value of each point, or alternatively, a suitable replacement for Longitude.

All the values of Longitude are given as lists, e.g. a list of floats or a list of lists.

Here is a simple example of a Longitude that can be generated by the API:

[[‘-36.2828’, ‘37.9203’], [‘-36.5385’, ‘37.3398’], [‘-36.2828’, ‘37.9203’]]

What I would like to do is generate a list of Longitudes from this one list.

Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance!Notes: Schindelarkey is a 23 year-old right-hander out of Japan. He pitched in Double-A last season for

What’s New in the?

Drewa3D Importer:

Import and synchronize new drawings into your existing CAD environment. (video: 2:54 min.)

Model from Rendering:

Import existing 3D models into AutoCAD, and create a 2D representation of your 3D geometry. (video: 3:05 min.)

Track Scaling:

Scale features in your drawings from one model to another model, then take a look at how the feature looks at the new scale. (video: 2:09 min.)


Power users can use the FastDraw CAD extension to incorporate existing, editable notes into your new drawings. (video: 1:16 min.)

Rapid Set 3D Extents:

Rapidly set the 3D extents of selected objects.

Map Facets:

Take a look at a map, find the corners of each polyline or circle, then export them as a regular polygon. (video: 1:15 min.)

Axis Lines:

Create, edit, and remove axis lines in your drawings. (video: 2:35 min.)

Color and Layers:

Automatically create color schemes that match colors used in other drawings in your drawing set. (video: 2:25 min.)

Snap Assist:

Display snapping aids as you move a cursor over the screen. (video: 2:31 min.)


Automatically sort your drawings into groups that are named for the groups’ contents.

Scale based on Extents:

Scale drawings in your drawing set to the largest object in the drawing. (video: 2:38 min.)


View and manipulate drawings from a side-by-side list.

Customers who purchased AutoCAD 2020 or earlier updates from Autodesk for business use may install AutoCAD 2023 for business use with their existing registration.

Customers who purchased AutoCAD for business use can install AutoCAD 2023 for business use with their existing registration.

With AutoCAD, you can create complex drawings and models that quickly integrate diverse content, including drawings, text, pictures, and 3D objects. You can annotate drawings and view your own comments, notes, and feedback on any drawing with the Office and Windows Ink apps.

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Windows: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Mac: OS X 10.10 or later
Processor: Intel Dual Core Processor or equivalent or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM or higher
DirectX: Version 9.0
Additional Notes: The Mac version of the game features Full Controller support.
Use the WASD keys to move. Your attacks are held with the Arrow Keys.
The mouse is used for movement, to look around, and to click on objects.

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