AutoCAD Crack Product Key

This page provides a brief overview of the history of AutoCAD.

Versions of AutoCAD

AutoCAD 1.0 was released in December 1982 as an internal-graphics-card only desktop application. AutoCAD 1.1 was released in 1983 as a system-independent, internal-graphics-card CAD program running on IBM PC/AT compatible PCs.

AutoCAD 2.0, released in April 1985, was the first version of AutoCAD to run on IBM PS/2 computers and the first version to offer true CAD capabilities, including the option of working on the drafting tablet. AutoCAD 2.5 was the first version to run on Apple Macintosh personal computers.

AutoCAD 3.0, released in October 1986, introduced the DWG (dwg) format for exchange of AutoCAD files, a standard for data exchange in CAD applications. AutoCAD 3.5 was the first version to have a drawing template feature, the ability to automatically insert information from external files into existing drawings, and the ability to easily generate reference points and dimension lines. AutoCAD 3.5 also introduced the first version of Windows-based graphics and drafting with a true mouse-based interface.

AutoCAD 4.0, released in April 1989, included the first full-featured Windows application, providing true CAD capabilities and all of the features of AutoCAD 3.5, along with additional features. AutoCAD 4.0 also included the first version of the Intergraph Architecture, the first version of the AutoCAD-specific programming language, a DWG standard for data exchange, an option to store data in the Worktable format, and the ability to create and edit AutoCAD blocks.

AutoCAD 5.0, released in April 1993, provided the first version of a true mouse-based interface that was fully integrated into the application. It also included the first version of a feature that allowed the creation of other file types such as IBM DB2 and Microsoft Access databases, various word processing and spreadsheets, and the first version of the Graphic Tools that allowed creating and editing several file types. AutoCAD 5.0 also included the first version of AutoLISP, a programming language. AutoCAD 5.5, released in April 1995, was the first version to support the Windows MultiPoint System. AutoCAD 5.5 also included the first version of the AutoCAD native

AutoCAD Free Download Latest

Draw element component parts, such as lines, arcs, circles, text, boxes and circles and text.
Draw geometry with Boolean operations.
Draw surface and section cuts.
Design architecture, floor plans and interior and exterior elevations.
Define dimensions, text, lines, borders and fill patterns.
Define shapes and solids.
Define structural elements of an assembly.
Design mechanical systems such as motors, pumps and valves.
Design electrical, plumbing and heating systems.
Design HVAC and lighting systems.
Design mechanical components and services.
Design lighting systems.
Design vehicles and other products such as jigsaw puzzles and terrariums.
Overlay and combine multiple files.
Use the grid to lay out geometric and dimensional objects and to mark off areas.

There are a number of different rendering methods available in AutoCAD Crack, such as:

2D drafting
2.5D: elevation, section and surface cuts.
3D: elevation, section and surface cuts.
Wireframe: Automatically shows the surfaces of a 3D model.
Hidden lines: Displays surfaces only when viewed from a certain angle.
Hatch and cut: Draws areas of a model for cuts or openings.
Mtext: Text that wraps around the surface of a 3D model.
Lighting: Uses lighting models to simulate light sources.
Sketches: An element-based outline for drawing or text.
Labels and annotations: Labels can be positioned with respect to each other or their corresponding objects.
Overviews: Displays a 3D model in an overview, or elevation, view, or top view.

Support for advanced rendering methods is included in the various AutoCAD application, which include rendering with:

A rendering engine using ray tracing.
DirectX, a graphics API.
Graphite, a free, open source rendering program.
Image-based rendering.
OpenGL, a software 3D rendering API
Open Inventor, a 3D graphics API

AutoCAD runs on the Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Unix platforms. The software can be licensed using the Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Unix platforms.

In addition to the applications described above, AutoCAD is also available in the following compatibility modes:


AutoCAD has been available in metric units since release 10.0.

UK and Imperial


AutoCAD Crack+

Choose ‘Export to.dwg’ from the top of the menu.
Select ‘Export to Autocad from.dwg’.
Choose the output directory.

Also the keygen generator can be used to crack any.dwg files:

Install Autodesk Autocad and activate it.
Choose ‘Export to.dwg’ from the top of the menu.
Select ‘Export to Autocad from.dwg’.
Choose the output directory.
Right click on ‘Crack.dwg’ from the menu.
Select ‘Open’.
Choose the file with.dwg extension from the directory containing the executable (so that the executable can see the.dwg file).
Select ‘Open’.

Santorum Says Socialism Hurts America, Free Markets Are Key to US Success

Rick Santorum, the former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and Republican presidential candidate, said the country’s economic growth and the free enterprise system were key to the United States’s success, in a Wall Street Journal interview published Friday.

During a meeting with reporters on Thursday, Mr. Santorum said that President Barack Obama’s economic policies did not contribute to the country’s economic growth. “We would be getting taxed at 70% right now if it were not for the policies of the president,” he said, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Santorum believes the answer to America’s economic woes lies with the free enterprise system, rather than more governmental intervention. “We are in the midst of what I call the greatest experiment in capitalism in the history of the world,” he said.

“Somehow, whether it is government created or government controlled, we are not doing very well when it comes to the free enterprise system,” Mr. Santorum said. “So for me, it is almost like an economic question. I have no question that the reason we are not doing well is because we have substituted government control for free market control. That is what I believe.”

Mr. Santorum’s comments come just weeks after the last presidential debate, in which he attacked the economic policies of both President Obama and Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and Republican presidential candidate. While Mr. Romney has advocated limited government policies, Mr. Santorum has urged a more robust government and social safety net.

Mr. Santorum has said he will focus

What’s New in the?


Improve precision, deliver outstanding drawings, and save time with greater drafting-oriented functionality. The Drafting tab offers a new Design Context that makes it easy to control visibility and access to features for your drawing – and to restyle any drawing. It’s also improved the look and feel of your drawings and enabled new capabilities in modeling and rendering.

Model space:

Attach a ribbon or laser pointer to any model element – such as a wall or a cylinder – for increased interactivity. (video: 2:23 min.)

Ribbon and laser pointer:

Quickly access your ribbon and laser pointer tools from any menu or tool bar. (video: 1:50 min.)


Consolidate multiple plot styles and surfaces into a single plot so that you can see and share your work on plots and plot sheets. (video: 1:46 min.)

Plot sheets:

Select and customize the layout of your plot sheets. Change the layout of axis labels and dates as needed – or reuse the same labels and dates in other sheets of the same file. (video: 1:25 min.)

Plot legends:

Customize the appearance and content of your plot legends. (video: 2:11 min.)

Plot styles:

Customize the appearance and content of plot styles. (video: 2:07 min.)

Paint and color:

Use the freeform/curve tool to easily paint and color objects. (video: 1:49 min.)

Curve tool:

The freeform tool enables you to draw lines of any length and shape – even curved lines. If you need to make a line curve, simply drag the pen along the line and the line will automatically adjust to fit the shape you’ve drawn. (video: 1:22 min.)

Freeform path:

Draw freeform paths to quickly create complex shapes and to control their appearance. (video: 1:20 min.)


Create and edit an unlimited number of paths and curves – easily. (video: 2:07 min.)

Curve manipulation:

Draw and edit curves by clicking and dragging. This lets you create complex shapes quickly, without having to remember complex shape commands. (video: 1:37 min.)

Curve tool manipulation

System Requirements:

Supported OS: Windows 7 (SP1) or newer
CPU: 2.0 GHz Dual-core Intel® Core 2 Duo,
2.6 GHz Quad-core AMD Phenom II x6
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 480 or ATI HD 5850
DirectX: Version 9.0
Networking: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 500 MB of free space
Additional Notes: It is recommended that you play this game with a good internet connection.
Details: Shadow of the Colossus is

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