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In this guide, I show you how to create an image in Photoshop CS3, and I’ll teach you how to give it a textured look. You’ll learn how to use a wide range of tools, and build your own texture.
Step 1:
Get a photo you like and use Photoshop to crop it down to a resolution that’ll be easier for you to work with. I used 576×768.
Step 2:
To create a textured background, open a new document, and make sure your canvas is white. You can click on the layers palette icon at the bottom of the screen and use that to have a checkerboard to choose the color of your background.
Step 3:
Fill the canvas with black (Figure 1). Then use the clear filter and select the rectangular shape tool. Click and drag the corners of the rectangle to make it wider (Figure 2).
Step 4:
Flatten the canvas, and then use the blur tool to make the background look blurred.
Step 5:
Go to image>canvas size, and choose the maximum resolution. In this case, I chose 576×768, and that’s the resolution the image will be in.
Step 6:
Highlight the Top layer, and use the move tool to drag it to the right so that it’s centered over the canvas (Figure 3).
Step 7:
Go to image>Adjustments>Levels and use the white point tool to set the white point at 64% gray, and the black point at 113% (Figure 4). You can adjust the Levels tool over a picture to alter the lightness or darkness of the image.
Step 8:
Now go to Image>Adjustments>Curves (Figure 5). This will give you a little more control over the range of tones in the image. Use the upper and lower curves to darken or lighten the image.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Step 9:
Go to Layer>New>Gradient… and then select Black to white (Figure 6). Use the black arrow to set the direction of the gradient, and the white arrow to set the end of the gradient.
Step 10:
Go to Layer>New>Gradient… again, this time using Dark to light gray. Use the black
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Both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements are powerful tools for creating and editing images. But do they offer enough features to be a must-have tool for both experienced digital photographers and newbies alike?
Here are the main differences between the two programs.
This Table of Contents may help you navigate from one section to the next.
Comparison: Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements
There are a number of similarities between the programs. Both support layers and brushes, and have an extensive feature set. They both offer a range of color profiles, and both allow you to apply them to multiple layers. Both are very easy to use, and well-documented. Photoshop and Photoshop Elements are both run by Adobe, a company that is well-respected in the image-editing community.
However, Photoshop has been around for over 20 years, whereas Photoshop Elements is relatively new. In addition, Photoshop has a more intuitive learning curve and a simpler user interface. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the differences.
Choosing between the two
Whether you’re a beginner digital photographer or a professional photographer seeking a high-quality image editor, there are many things to consider when choosing between the two. Your goals for image editing, your experience with digital photography, and your budget will all factor into your decision.
Adobe Photoshop vs Adobe Photoshop Elements: What to look for in a photography editor
Feature set and ease of use
The feature set and ease of use of the programs are the main differences. Both are very easy to use, and well documented, but Photoshop’s features are considerably more extensive and powerful.
Both programs offer color adjustment tools that let you change color balance, contrast, levels, and hue/saturation. But Photoshop offers these tools in the same context as layers, allowing you to easily create and edit large color adjustments across multiple layers. Photoshop lets you duplicate images with the same adjustments applied.
Both programs have a selection tool that you can use to select certain areas in a picture, which you can then use to create new images. With Photoshop you can use a brush, on both layers or a background, and in either a selection or a blend mode. Photoshop Elements has fewer selection tools, but you can make use of a number of filters, overlays, styles and brushes.
Digital manipulation vs. online photo editing
One of the key differences between Photoshop and Photoshop Elements is the
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Changing a UITableViewCell’s image every 1 second – BAD WORK AROUND?
It’s Sunday, and I hope to find some advice to get me going in a better direction 🙂
Each cell of my table view shows a different product.
How I’m getting the image from the cell at the moment:
NSString *item = [productArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@”%@.png”,item]];
It works great, as in the images are shown. Now, for the purpose of animation, I want to make sure that the pictures come every second and change. I have tried making a timer, and setting it to 1 second, but I’m getting no success (I have added a log statement and it is printing the right values, but nothing is happening).
Here is how the UITableView is set up:
– (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
static NSString *CellIdentifier = @”Cell”;
static NSString *TableIdentifier = @”Products”;
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
if (cell == nil) {
cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];
Product *productArray = [self.productsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.textLabel.text = [productArray objectForKey:@”name”];
cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:@”%@.png”,[productArray objectForKey:@”image”]]];
return cell;
So, essentially, my question is, am I doing this the right way? And if not, what are my options?
Change your code to
[cell.imageView setImage:[UIImage imageN
What’s New in the Adobe Photoshop Download For Windows 8 Free?
“I’m all for making sure that women can be themselves and succeed in business, but if we don’t have a certain ceiling for pay, and if women can succeed without it going into the red zone, then it’s just going to leave a lot of opportunity unfulfilled,” she added.
Many women, however, weren’t so sure.
One woman told the magazine: “I would have done it for free because that’s the time I’ve put into your magazine.”
Another said: “I don’t think everyone is in a state where they are. That’s not to say I’m not paying, I am. It’s a fair hourly wage.
“But I am doing this stuff for free as well. I’m doing it for the team and the brand.”
While a third woman said: “I know times are hard at the moment, but if you bring in more women who can do jobs without the pressure and come in for just two hours a week, they’d be able to do it and it wouldn’t cost as much to produce an issue.”
Among the magazine’s contributors was a female photographer, who accepted the offer “on one condition:”
“He had to pay for my drinks. This isn’t the first job I’ve ever done and let’s face it, it’s not the last. I want to be paid.”Q:
Resetting animations on paused
I’ve just found out that, for some reason, the animations are resetting on every time the app is paused.
I’ve been searching for ways to prevent this for days now. I have tried several answers to this question, but none worked. I’m using Android Studio with Kotlin, but I believe I cannot use the R flag on my animation because it is a background operation:
Kotlin: How to ignore animation reset?
How can I run something on every animation change? Here’s my code:
val animator = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.slide_in)
animator.duration = 3000
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