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EOBD Freelance – OBD2 Car Diagnostics ScanTool elm327 Apk. OBDtool is an perfect tool to upload and read OBD2 dongles data which are supported by emmitis software. Tested on.Q:
Is it a problem if I click on the comment flag link?
If I have the comment flag link in my navbar and I decide to click on it instead of on the app icon, does the software know I’m making a comment on someone else’s post and does something bad happen?
No, it won’t be flagged (and your comment won’t be deleted). However, if someone clicks the link, it will expand to reveal the comment flagging options, which could cause confusion if not carefully selected. The problem would be more from a UX point of view, though.
An elastographic technique for measuring stiffness of soft and tissue-like phantom materials.
In this paper, an elastographic technique for measuring the stiffness of soft tissue is presented. The method is based on a continuum mechanical analysis and image analysis techniques. The analysis method is applied to human breast tissues, a silicon gel material and a PDMS phantom material. The results of the first experiments demonstrate a strong correlation between the mechanical behavior of a soft tissue phantom and that of breast tissue. Human results exhibit a strong scattering of the results obtained by the various techniques.Characterization of the interactive mechanism between the sorbate ions and a single molecule of adsorbed polymer.
To investigate the interaction between sorbate ions and a single adsorbed polymer on solid surfaces, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations. We considered the adsorption of a single tethered polymer chain on the near-neighbor sites of a periodically arranged, inert (silica, ZnO) and reactive (Cu(2), Cu(2), ZnO) surface. The simulations were performed at various pH values, i.e., close to the surface charge density, and were performed with the reactive surface under conditions of counterion desorption. The polymers were modeled as linear polyelectrolytes with the number of charged monomers N = 60. We identified conditions under which the simultaneous adsorption of two or more charged monomers occurs. For these cases, we have computed the equilibrium geometry and obtained the pair potential, being the electrostatic and van der Waals parts, between two monomers and the surface.
Welcome to peep. 3. For this post I will be installing the software, and. For this post I will be installing the software, and how it should work for those of you unfamiliar with the software. As I do a crack later, the video will be on YouTube, but you can always go to the Download link below to get a crack. For those that want to know how to install with crack, scroll down a bit.
Welcome to peep. 3. For this post I will be installing the software, and. For this post I will be installing the software, and how it should work for those of you unfamiliar with the software. As I do a crack later, the video will be on YouTube, but you can always go to the Download link below to get a crack. For those that want to know how to install with crack, scroll down a bit.
Your entry should start with a question word and be as short as possible to be able to fit into the word count. Alternatively you can ask a question on the review form in the comment box at the bottom of the review. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! Good luck!
All entries (reviews) go through a moderation process prior to being displayed. Selected reviews appear on the homepage.Q:
How to show DataGrid selected cell value in column header in WPF
I have a WPF Datagrid. I am trying to bind its SelectedItem property to my C# class property to show the same in the Header of the Column of a selected cell.
I am doing like this –
In C# class
private string _selectedItemHeaderProperty;
public string SelectedItemHeaderProperty
return _selectedItemHeaderProperty;
_selectedItemHeaderProperty = value;
In my XAML.cs
public DataGrid SelectedItemHeaderProperty
get { return (DataGrid)GetValue(SelectedItemHeaderPropertyProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedItemHeaderPropertyProperty, value); }
public static DependencyProperty SelectedItemHeaderPropertyProperty
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