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After seeing one in person, we’re definitely tempted to pick up a copy of the new Gigabyte X58A-UD3 motherboard for our test benches. Given its proclivities for cooling, overclocking and expandability, the lastest X58A-UD3 is well worth a look. At $600, it’s priced right at a mid-level board but, if you have a few PCI-Express slots laying around, then this is probably the motherboard for you.Our long-term goal is to understand how the fetus senses and responds to its environment during pregnancy. Human pregnancy is a high oxygen environment characterized by a large amount of fetal red blood cells (~15%) and a high concentration of free hemoglobin (~3 mM). Fetus- derived red blood cells (RBCs) and fetal hemoglobin (HbF) develop in the yolk sac and are the first red blood cells to reach the placenta, then pass to the fetus through the fetal circulation. Fetal RBCs in the umbilical artery are associated with cerebral hypoxia-ischemia (H-I), a major cause of brain injury, while those in the fetal vein are associated with fetal hypoxic-anemia, a condition that threatens the viability of the fetus. The mechanisms responsible for the development of fetal RBCs are unknown. We propose to test the hypothesis that HbF responses to fetal hypoxia-ischemia are regulated by the differential uptake and inactivation of the nucleotide guanosine and the methylated derivatives S-adenosylhomocysteine and S-adenosylmeth
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