DICOM To NIfTI X64 [Latest-2022]

DICOM to NIfTI provides a software-based solution to convert various medical imaging files (.dcm,.dicom and.nii) to the Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI) format. It allows converting a number of DICOM data items including DICOM images, DICOM-D image stacks, DICOM-SR, DICOM-GR, DICOM-RT, DICOM-CB, DICOM-CT, DICOM-CM, DICOM-DR, DICOM-DS and DICOM-DT. The program is compatible with all DICOM-compatible viewer and editor software products.
Key Features:
Convert DICOM images to NIfTI
Automatically adjusts the template to resize the images to 2D/3D resolution.
Creates NIfTI-1 files to open and read with the correct MRX2N header.
Works with all MRI, CT, SPECT and PET formats.
Save converted files to your desired output folder.
Graphical visualizations of your DICOM files while they are being processed.
DICOM to NIfTI limitations
Windows Vista/7/8, 32-bit/64-bit. NIfTI version 1.1.0 is required.

DICOM Converter (Dicom to NIfTI) Windows 8/7/8/10 & 10/32/64 bit. Help.
View all the details about DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) before you take the plunge. Check the DICOM file format for docs, dicom software features for images, and DICOM tags for more information.
Dicom to NIfTI is a Windows application that facilitates a user-friendly interface for converting medical images with the DICOM file type into NIfTI data format (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative). It supports batch processing.
Convert medical images from DICOM to NIfTI
Following a speedy setup operation that doesn’t need complicated configurations and doesn’t have software prerequisites, you’re welcomed by the clean and intuitive window of DICOM to NIfTI, where you can begin by populating the conversion list with as many DICOM images as you wish, whether they have the.dcm or.dicom file extension.
A sample.dcm file is provided to demonstrate

DICOM To NIfTI Crack + Product Key [32|64bit]

Given the large number of medical imaging applications that feature DICOM-based data management systems, converting this file type is a must for many people, especially because DICOM is a universal standard for exchanging medical information.
To work with DICOM files, you’ll need to install the DICOM Visualizer, which is a tool for viewing DICOM files. The DICOM to NIfTI tool, on the other hand, is made to convert DICOM files directly to NIfTI format, the most popular image data format, which is open-source, efficient and easy to handle.
The conversion tool offers several parameters such as the following:
– Converts DICOM to NIfTI
– Converts DICOM to NIfTI

The application has been tested on Windows 10 operating system. All software used in the process are up to date.

DICOM to NIfTI has received:







out of 7

5 stars

James Majors

I love this app. But I have only had it work on 2 computers that I installed it on and both have since completely failed to run. Both had different hardware: A laptop and an old PC that never ran a program properly. Both ran fine last year. On the new computer, the app, itself, looks ok. Works. But, as soon as I open one of the DICOM files, the next file gets corrupted (seems to do this every time I open DICOM files. Seems kind of random which ones it corrupts and which ones it doesn’t. Don’t think it’s hardware-related. I’ve tried it on two different machines running on different hardware. It looks ok on one machine, on the other it corrupts files with no problems. Tried rebooting. Same results. Tried uninstalling it. No dice. Having issues with the app and not the program itself are not something new to me. I’ve had plenty of programs crash, too many programs from Microsoft. Too many programming errors. Too many people don’t care. I’ve tried installing on a new hard drive and trying it on my old hard drive which worked fine last year. Nothing. And, now, I’m stuck installing all my programs again and have to figure out what I missed the last time. It’s a real pain.

DICOM To NIfTI With Product Key Latest

DICOM to NIfTI makes it easy to convert large numbers of DICOM files, by making it simple to convert a batch of DICOM files with one click. DICOM to NIfTI also supports flipping the images and converting to other file types.
√.dcm,.dicom,.dicom3,.dcm4,.dicom4,.dcm5,.dcm6,.dcmgrd,.dicomgrd,.dcmjpeg2000,.dcmjpeg2000q,.dcmjpeg2000rle,.dcmjpeg2000tiled,.dcmraw,.dcmrle,.dcmtiff,.dcmtiled,.dcmxml,.lh5,.lml,.mrc,.mrc2,.mrc2a,.mrc2apng,.mrc_popt,.mrc_toplevel,.mrt,.mrt2,.mrt2a,.mrt3,.mrt5,.mrtk,.mwli,.nii,.nii.gz,.nii.img,.nii.img.gz,.nii.hdr,.nii.img.hdr,.nii.hdr.gz,.nii.mhd,.nii.mhd.gz,.nii.pet,.nii.py,.nii.py.gz,.nii.rfl,.nii.rfl.gz,.nii.pgm,.nii.pgm.gz,.nii.port,.nii.port.gz,.nii.png,.nii.png.gz,.nii.ppm,.nii.ppm.gz,.nii.thca,.nii.thca.gz,.nii.vhd,.nii.vhd.gz,.nii.xml,.nii.xml.gz,.nii.zw,.nii.zw.gz,.raw,.rle,.tiff,.tiled,.xml,.zw, and many more…


What’s New in the?

DICOM to NIfTI is a software package developed by DataDots that allows you to convert any DICOM files to the NIfTI file format. The program allows the selection of files with the.dcm or.dicom file extension for conversion. The software supports batch conversion and both destination and source folders can be defined. Additional options include: display of images with and without tags, exchange of DICOM tags, flipping images and saving files in seven different format.
Key Features:
1. Conversion and file saving options
2. Automatically adjust display settings
3. Supports batch conversion
4. Support for all DICOM versions
5. Helpful command line interface
6. Supports a variety of image formats
7. Generate images with 256-color depth
8. Supports images with more than 50,000 voxels
9. Generates volumes based on the number of slices and the number of images
10. Single-file import and export operations
11. Supports images with enhanced color
12. Generates all images with the NIfTI format
13. Generates multi-file import and export operations
14. Seamless file conversion
15. Supports tiff, png, and jpeg images
DICOM to NIfTI main features:

Specifies conversion lists with multiple files and folders

Command line conversion for batch conversion

Saves image files in the NIfTI format

Works for all DICOM versions

Supports all image files

Generates images with 256-color depth

Supports images with more than 50,000 voxels

Single-file import and export operations

Supports images with enhanced color

Generates multi-file import and export operations

Allows image flipping

Generates images in the NIfTI format

Supports all NIfTI formats




Ease of use

Quality of service

Customer support

Value for money

Example: A white and black color image was converted to a dark and light version. As a result, an entire volume was created.

Good and stable tools.

DICOM to NIfTI requires the installation of the following software:

System requirements:
Windows 7/8/8.1/10 64-bit, the most recent version available at the time of writing


System Requirements:

DirectX version 11
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended)
800×600 screen resolution
If you’re having problems with the game, please try to select the same settings you used to launch it.
If there are no other errors with the game, please make sure to try and disable any third-party graphics and audio cards, and to close any running processes you might have.
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