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pericolose della sicurezza internazionale, nelle quali l’Atto 2 ha regole del tutto assolutamente diverse.
Leaning against a bullet train window with my pack strung across my back I was feeling dejected. This is the first time I have ever taken a bullet train. I had heard good things about this train but as I have just said I was feeling a bit down.
This all seemed to happen at the speed of light. One minute I was standing at the stop in Lugano chatting with a friend from Japan, the next I was in the middle of a conversation with someone in a coffee shop on the other side of the world.
I did not know why I was talking to this person. But the conversation was interesting and I felt I needed to stay in touch with this friend from Japan.
The next thing I knew I was in a taxi and we were heading for the airport. The conversation continued and I felt I needed to get in touch with my friend from Japan again. But I was just not sure where to send this mail.
Could I send it by fax? Would I have to pay to send a fax? Would it just go straight through to the switchboard? Could I send the mail by email? Which mail system would I use?
It was during the course of this conversation that a young man tapped me on the shoulder. He smiled at me and was in his mid twenties.
“Hello, how are you?” he said in fluent English.
“Good. I’m fine.” I replied, “What a great country Switzerland is to visit.”
“I am from Japan. Japan is also a beautiful country and in fact I study law here in Switzerland. Why are you here?”
I answered with a smile “I just came here on holiday to see my friends.”
“I see. You speak English so well. Do you do this for a living?”
“Tell me, does the British Parliament have any influence on countries outside of the EU?”
“Yes of course, I think all international matters are discussed and decided in the British Parliament. In fact, they are even
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Applying functions to arrays in Python
I have two sets of numbers that are associated with a color so they are basically pairlists of colors and numbers.
These are color and number lists
color = [‘R’, ‘G’, ‘B’, ‘Y’]
number = [20, 25, 27, 30]
and I have a black and white picture associated with each.
The picture is [R, G, B, Y] and its associated number from [0, 0, 0, 0] to [255, 255, 255, 255]
What I want to do is remove all black pixels and then find the largest contiguous area of the remaining colors.
What I have so far is:
import pygame
# start pygame
# create a pygame window
win = pygame.display.set_mode((500,500))
# use pygame color wheel
for i in range(0,255):
# create a new pygame app
app =
# create a new surface
surface = app.Canvas.create_surface(500,500)
# pygame event loop
while True:
# check for events (keyboard presses, etc.)
for evnt in pygame.event.get():
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