Put on student clothes and go school!
¡~Original form of the game tale is being read!!!~
Confirmation “Japanese version of the story”- Please go on Tokyo Game Show
※All dialogues are in Japanese.
* Formosan Black Bear and Leopard Cat are not in the game but they will be in the next update.
Resemble the best version of the game!
Brought to you by:
* All purchased DLCs work even after the official release of the game.
* All DLCs work without the update.
* You can purchase the DLCs without registering the game. (purchase from amazon.co.jp)
Nonthugu (The Tokyo Game Show)
スマートフォン・iOS ・Android のユーザーが手を通して楽しむことができる初の 2Dアドベンチャーゲーム。 自分が当たる1つの物語の中でゲームを進めて配信を進めます。その中ではステージに判定の仕様や敵となるオルタの仕様などが変わるようになっています。また ストーリーをありあり進めるゲーム機能により観戦感のあるストーリーディスクができます。


Features Key:

  • Swing and platformer with 80 different levels.
  • Beautiful art cel-style graphics.
  • Check out the game updates!
  • “Submitted by jodel-d (Game code: jd-ltalrek) on 2008-09-20 15:45 “”


    October 6th, 2009


    Survisland is still alive. We’re not 100% sure about it, but we made some new interesting levels. In my opinion, this is something that we haven’t seen (and played) in a while. 😉

    Added further 20 levels.

    Added option where you can choose between normal mode, voodoo mode and big mode.

    New or improved graphics and art. They look much better now!

    Many, many many bugfixes and improvements!

    New level editor and more! Help us to create even more levels.

    Thanks for all your support!

    Thanks to everyone who played Survisland!

    Survisland / BETA
    Survisland for iPod
    Survisland for


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    Swatcher is a color palette generation tool and color organization application. It allows you to create, save, and organize your color schemes, allowing you to easily work with a multitude of options and settings to quickly generate different color harmonies and shades. New options can be added at any time as well as configurations of existing options. It’s open to both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts alike as this is just another tool for growing your creative processes.

    Create different color harmonies and shades (based on different color schemes) using a variety of color science principles.
    Save, load, and open color schemes with many different color organization options.
    Edit your color schemes and use the color monitor or the color picker (eg. hsl/hsv/rgb/cmyk/hex) to apply your color choices.
    Ctrl+click any color to copy it’s hex code to the clipboard.
    Edit, copy, paste, and replace colors on the fly.
    Change the brightness and contrast of your monitors.
    Quickly generate color combinations using the swatch palette.
    Manipulate individual colors from the swatch palette window.
    Using JSON format make it easy to move and share your color scheme between applications and devices.
    Separate color schemes into different categories and organize them in folders for easy access.

    Version Information

    Swatcher Version 1.9.2 (2-2016-10-06)
    Build Date: 2016-09-28

    Minimum Features:

    Switcher support
    Amp support
    Resize the window to fit your desktop
    Change the swatch color scheme
    Save and load color schemes and save them as a JSON format
    Click paste/append swatch colors
    Swatch palette color change options (change brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, value)
    Edit your color scheme(s) and separate all colors in their own sections
    Quickly create color schemes from a hex code, rbg, cmyk, or hex24, hsv, or hsl color
    Assign colors to predefined categories

    User Experience

    New and updated swatch creation options (hex 24, hsv, hex)
    New and updated color organization options
    New and updated color selection tools (color monitor, color picker, and swatch palette)
    New and updated color management options (adjust color brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, value)
    New and


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    Within seconds of starting up Reassembly, the very first thing you will do is build a small spaceship and start shooting the laser at the other spaceship. A missile flies from the attacking spaceship towards you, and you have to stop it from getting you by hitting the ship with the laser’s beam.

    You can drag the parts around to make different types of ships. If you want to make something more complicated than basic designs you can design the new ship in a map mode. A map is basically just a big board with the parts on it so you can pick them up and place them anywhere on the board. By making a design you are able to test and make changes to the design, and if you like it then you can save it and go back to it later on. As you get more powerful you can hold more parts, build more rapidly and make more ship designs. This brings me on to a new game mechanic I’ve not played before.

    Each ship uses a kinetic energy to fire at each other in order to destroy each other. As your spaceship gets bigger and bigger you will be able to increase the speed at which your ship can fire, eventually leading to even more destructive abilities. As you build more and larger spaceships, the game becomes frantic as you need to race around the screen so as to be first to your target.
    You will be able to collect power-ups that will give you extra protection from flying debris, propulsion or special abilities. There is a wide range of different power-ups you can collect, including shields, atomic bombs, lasers, and shields. Often, the first thing you buy is the shield to prevent others from shooting you whilst you are making your ships, but afterwards you can buy more advanced weaponry. There are a wide variety of ships to experiment with and each one is different from the others, with their own strengths and weaknesses. This is quite interesting as you will have to experiment with both design and development.
    And how does this affect the game? Well, in the previous game I played I was always able to get first place. But that wasn’t because I was an amazing player, I was just lucky- which I am most of the time.

    But this time I had deliberately made a number of custom ships and was having fun building them. I had lots of time available so I could build space ships on the fly and the game was just all about trying to beat your friends and see who could beat their best times with their new designs.

    Main Game Features


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