Prime Spiral is a simple program that  arbitrarily generates large spirals, with configurable coloring and other options.
The program generates a spiral based on the total number of integers that you specify. It also allows you to specify the colors to use for the background, prime numbers, twin primes, and Mersenne primes.







Prime Spiral Download

You have to specify the total number of integers that you want to get inside your spiral. If you specify a large number, it is likely to take a long time to complete. You can also choose to specify the colors for the backgrounds, prime numbers, twin primes, and Mersenne primes in the spiral. The colors that you choose will be placed evenly throughout the spiral.


If you are using this in a school setting, we have a page that will guide you through the setup and some of the work flow. You will need
Python 2.6 or higher.


$./SPRING001 -w inf -a ‘numbers’ -c ‘colors’ -s’spiral’ -sons ‘color pairs’

The inf parameter:

inf: Specifies the maximum number of values. The default value is 100, which means 100 integers.

A value of inf for the number of values results in a spiral that has a background of the specified colors for the integer values and twin primes and Mersenne primes.


Generate a spiral with a background for twin primes and Mersenne primes

$./SPRING001 -w inf -a ‘numbers’ -c ‘colors’ -s’spiral’ -sons ‘twin, m’

Count the number of prime numbers

$./SPRING001 -w inf -a ‘numbers’ -c ‘colors’ -s’spiral’ -sons

$./SPRING001 -w inf -a ‘numbers’ -c ‘colors’ -s’spiral’ -son1 ‘primes’ -son2 ‘ints’

The input parameters are:

Number of values (inf): Specifies the total number of values. The default value is 100, which means 100 integers.

Colors for value points: Specifies the background colors for the values.

Color pairs for prime values: Specifies colors for prime numbers.

Color pairs for int points: Specifies colors for the numbers.

Color pairs for twin primes: Specifies colors for twin prime values.

Color pairs for Mers

Prime Spiral Full Version [32|64bit] (Final 2022)

When running Prime Spiral, simply type the number of integers you want to generate in the box next to the ‘Start’ button.
You can also select what kind of spiral you want.
Each spiral can be printed, while producing the colored image in the box next to the ‘Print’ button.
Both of these options will be displayed in the top frame.
The program will generate a spiral with the number of integers specified.
If no integers are specified, then the spiral is generated with 10,000 integers, which can take a long time to run for some systems.
Spirals can be printed automatically in several colors, each having a size of approximately 100 dpi.
Note that each spiral is printed individually.
It can be activated by clicking the ‘Print’ button in the top frame.
Doing so will enable you to print more than one spiral on the same page.
This will be indicated by an ‘x’ and the number of spirals on the same page.
In addition to colored spirals, there is also the ability to print a spiral using only one color.
In this case, the remaining colored strips will be black.
If you specify an integer value lower than 1 in the box next to ‘Start’, the color of the prime (1,2,3,…) will be used.
However, if the boxes for both the background color, and the color for the twin primes and Mersenne primes are left blank, then you will get a random background and coloring for the resulting spiral.
The choice of colorings is based on the number of integers specified in the box next to the ‘Start’ button.
If you specify a number in the box, it will be used to specify the color for the background, twin primes, and Mersenne primes.
If you specify a number lower than 1, it will be used for the color for the prime numbers.
Not specifying a number leaves it blank, and thus a random choice is made.
Note that specifying a number other than 1 will not change the background color.
You can reset the number of integers to use in the box next to the ‘Start’ button, to see different results.
You can select a range of integers to be used for the twin primes.
In this case, if you type in 20, then the color of the twin primes will be 20, 21,22…
A similar option also exists for the number of

Prime Spiral With Full Keygen

What’s New in the?

Is a graphic viewer for randomly generated pattern generation, to share on the internet or print

The program was written with a tiny memory footprint.
The program will be tested in 2-4 week periods, and will be released when the functionality is satisfied

This is the last update for this program


Two-dimensional spiral graphics represent a numeric pattern that spirals infinitely in both directions. Spirals are a fascinating phenomena in mathematics and physics.

The visual appeal of a spiral shape is caused by the fascinating combination of visually interesting patterns and the self-similarity.

Spirals have been widely used in advertisements, calendars, and as decorative art.

Spirals are often used in tattoo designs as a means to represent the experience of a spiral path in nature.

Spirals are used in mathematics to describe the motion of the planets as they travel the sky.

Spirals are found in nature as the seeds of sunflowers.

Spirals have also been used in advertising and graphic design, and are known to create a tangible emotional response in many people.

If you give a tourist a map of a foreign city and a guide that shows them the way around the city, they might become lost and frustrated.

Similarly, if a friend wants to show you around the city, they might guide you through the streets by showing you similar places they have visited, like points on a map. The same principle can be applied to a graphic.

Spirals are similar to fractals because the pattern is so interesting, self-similar, and confusing. Spirals become a more complex pattern the larger they are.

The following terms help you understand the properties of spirals:

* Aspect ratio — the ratio of the diameter and the perimeter of a circle (when it is used to describe a pattern).

* Span — the length of the pattern between the first and last point.

* Spiral — the pattern is defined by a definition of an angle, and points move to the center of this angle in a totally symmetric pattern that spirals infinitely in both directions. The method used to determine where to move next is based on Euclidian geometry.

System Requirements For Prime Spiral:

OS: Windows 7 or above
Processor: Intel Core i3 or above
Graphics: DirectX 11
PlayStation 4:
OS: PlayStation 4 operating system
Processor: CPU: Dual-core
Nintendo Switch:
OS: Nintendo Switch operating system

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