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They could tell you they were 30 lbs heavier and most of the time it’d be believable if you didn’t see them get on a scale!! This is the pinnacle of bodybuilding, it’s creating that illusion!! And of course if you cycle steroids then this would be a time to begin a cycle. I constantly hear all of this talk about certain steroids being no good if you don’t use them for at least 12-15 weeks but I don’t buy into that. The best I’ve ever looked was doing a short 8 week cycle after a HARD 6 weeks of initial ass-busting and very few cheat meals!! I believe the first 6 weeks of the diet and training is ultimately what helps determine the final outcome after a typical 12-14 week diet. Start putting in the work and suffering early on to yield the better results in the end. So there you have it, a perfect formula and affordable way to start getting shredded and try looking your best. If you decide to use CCUT/Testogen in a stack like I did then buy CCUT here and Testogen here. The Best Testosterone Booster Supplement. I first became interested in Testogen when I had a training client on testosterone replacement tell me that when he uses Testogen his testosterone levels come back around 300ng/dl higher, simply from adding in Testogen. I began doing some research on Testogen after hearing this, because I knew if a 54 year old male who was already on TRT was coming in 300 ng higher, then something about Testogen had to work!, steroids for sale with paypal. The biggest reason I wanted to try Testogen was for its possible ability to bring me out of the slump I was in after my recent competition. I had just come off cycle and although I had reverted back to my normal testosterone replacement dose of 150-200mg/wk of test, I still didn’t feel right. This commonly happens after dieting so hard and being in very low levels of body fat for awhile. My sex drive just wasn’t there despite using testosterone, and I knew my estrogen levels weren’t too high because I was using the right amount of aromatase inhibitor. I really just needed a little something to give me a boost and counteract the slump I found myself in post competition. So I decided to try Testogen. Testogen did help bring my sex drive back very quickly and I started getting stronger while using it. You simply CAN’T GO WRONG WITH TESTOGEN!! It only made sense to me to try Testogen because sex drive and lethargy were my two biggest concerns. Obviously I knew things would get back to normal eventually, but I wanted to speed up the process. As a guy already on test replacement, naturally I’m skeptical about many products, because what good could they do if you’re already on testosterone? Then I read reviews from guys who were also on TRT claiming that it gave them a boost in their training when they included it, so I thought what the hell, might as well try it at least. I’m not coming on here and lying to you guys about being all natural, because I’m certainly not.
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