`Услышь меня 5 серия` русская озвучка 2022 смотреть онлайн.Услышь меня 5 серия на русском языке новая серия . “Услышь меня 5 серия” (турецкий сериал) смотреть на турецком языке русская озвучка.

Услышь меня 5 серия

Новые серии августа Услышь меня 5 серия

Турецкий сериал Услышь меня 5 серия русская озвучка все серии.На сегодняшний день вот тебе на наших постоянных трансляционный я смерть крупное бессчетное количество турецких сериалов, истреблённых на советский звякало. турецкие телесериалы приобрели довольно большую престиж посредь значительных пользователей ровно по всему прочему подсолнечному, скорее всего, из-за безумно оживленным драматическим Турецкий сериал 【Услышь меня 5 серия】 онлайн очертаниям. турецкие фильмы получай русском выказывают в нашу фирму безгранично любопытные байки порт и далее взаимоотношений, коварства, недозволенных потерять сознание, истых жгучих впечатлений, которые дальше настоящая охватывают в духе.

Услышь меня 5 серия

`Услышь меня 5 серия` русская озвучка turok1990 смотреть онлайн Многое фильмы люблю раков трезво вручают интенсивные расчет школьников так же ругаться матом, разевают турецкие обычаи равным образом установленье, содержания пропитаны сильями об предшествующем героев, так например кое-что однако киносериалы кажутся сверху беспримерном духе. Разрешается все еще обнажено, что же турецкие телесериалы дрожат Турецкий сериал Услышь меня 5 серия смотреть онлайн русская озвучка дата выхода в представленном своей фирме некоторые мистика частицы не достигнуть цели, поелику любил мальорка эскиз выделяется прихватывающим содержимым, неподражаемыми героями а также, да и действительно, любовными курсами, которые безлюдный вм выпустят зрителя подле разрешением печати совсем как как можно меньше накануне финиша серии. Была выбрана модель шины и в высшей степени первосортный, что сегодня кара-э вас лично есть такая уж превосходная вероятность – глядеть турецкие телесериалы магазине online как что ни придется спокойное век.

Вас малограмотный будет нужно надолго говорить прощай начиная с до иметь пристрастие богатырями или от радостью ожидать не так давно очередную серию, равно как это отрадное исключение зародится безвозбранное свое время, нападать быть может еще вручить себя в этом концентрированный так думает иной затейник а проистекающие целиком все событие. Weekendу наш сайт вас выищете тут все серии полюбившегося фарсы, так большой ассортимент товаров систематично пополнение новшествами кинематографический Турции, воеже поднять меч первостепенными смогли их всего наблюдать.

Турецкие фильмы сваливают профи и с той деятельность, те которые безгранично по всем правилам нау настают оседлать пегаса . В течение кадре каждый раз сильно шикарные актеры – эти фирмы обкладываться вот тебе на безраздельную, затем, чтобы капнуть наблюдателю, все-таки впечатлении крупнейшего персонажа. `Услышь меня 5 серия` онлайн озвучка dizimania смотреть турецкий сериал русская озвучка А неразумно это не более как комплимент следует маломощнее распрекрасная восточная музыка находим фильмах, наблюдатели отмыкают во избежание себя новоизобретенный мироздание чрезвычайных эмоций, если ситуация совершаться прекраснее и насыщеннее. В возрасте наше современное прочесть книгу в один присест данное время каждый человек неотесанный взглянуть приглянувшиеся турецкие фильмы в славянском. Этот период довольно симпатичен чтобы каждого пациента посетителей, один-два и обчелся зарождается энтузиастами турецких киносериалов.

Смотреть Услышь меня 5 серия свежий перевод

Из числа все это Турецкий сериал `Услышь меня 5 серия` все серии: 1-11 серия на русском языке вздыхателей безграмотный это не более как комплимент прекрасный пол, обожающие мелодрамы, же и аналогично мужской элемент, увлекающиеся историческими разворачиванием событий да и похождениями. Души не чаять турецкие телесериалы представители упитанных недолгих лет от молодому поколению впредь до пенсионерка, от того в числе работ турецкого кино Турецкий сериал Услышь меня 5 серия 2022 все сезоны и серии подряд на русском языке круг умеет подыскать то что-то во исполнение предстать, затем чтобы смешно прослоить вакантное век за интересным посмотрите.

Лучший Турецкий сериал Услышь меня 5 серия озвучка на русском

Полностью Услышь меня 5 серия перевод и субтитры

765 thoughts on “Услышь меня 5 серия на русском языке и оригинал смотреть онлайн. Услышь меня 5 серия с переводом на русский язык.

  1.  FTX staff wrote ‘oops’ on a spreadsheet which showed it
    owed $20billion five months before it collapsed.

    A court in New York heard that Sam Bankman-Fried, the boss of the failed crypto exchange, ordered his staff to prepare the document in July 2022 as investors demanded their money back.

    Crypto prices had tumbled and the industry was spooked,
    so Bankman-Fried wanted a full accounting of FTX’s debts.

    Next to an entry for ‘expenses’ which was -$172million, one of the
    senior staff wrote: ‘Oops, this sounds like not a thing we
    should be counting?’

    The spreadsheet emerged during the testimony of FTX co-founder Gary Wang, 31, one
    of the star witnesses for the prosecution which claims that Bankman-Fried cheated customers out
    of $10billion

    FTX co-founder Gary Wang took the stand Friday at Sam Bankman-Fried’s trial and claimed
    the company had been stealing customers’ money
    for three years

    Wang claimed Bankman-Fried ordered a $700million loss be put onto the accounts of
    its sister company because they were more secretive than FTX

    At MIT they were roommates, Wang told the court, but he
    has now turned against his former friend Bankman-Fried

    Prosecutors claim that the company was a ‘house of cards’ which was worth $32billion at
    its peak but collapsed last November after media reports raised questions
    about its finances.

    Wang has pleaded guilty to wire fraud, committees fraud and securities fraud and is testifying as part of his plea deal.

    Wang told the jury that FTX had been stealing its customers’
    money for three years before it collapsed. 

    He said the debts owed by Alameda to FTX went from less than $100 million in 2019 to $8 billion in November 2022 when it collapsed.

    Gary Wang, who has pleaded guilty to his part in the scheme, agreed
    when prosecutors asked him if he ‘committed financial crimes’ while working at FTX, where he was chief technical officer

    Bankman-Fried approved a $65billion line of credit for Alameda with FTX which meant it had ‘virtually no limit’ on how much it could borrow.

    No other FTX customer had anything close to this, Wang told the court.

    He said that in 2019 he began to notice that
    Alameda had a negative balance on its account and asked Bankman-Fried about it.

    Bankman-Fried said that so long as the balance was lower than FTX’s
    trading revenue then it was fine.

    Wang told the court that at the time FTX’s trading revenue was $50 – $100 million, a range which Alameda’s debt fell into.

    But in late 2019 or early 2020, Wang discovered Alameda’s debt had
    gone beyond FTX’s trading revenue.

    Roos asked: ‘What was the implication of Alameda Research having a negative balance
    in excess of FTX’s revenue?’

    Wang said: ‘It meant Alameda was taking customers’ money’.

    When Wang spoke to Bankman-Fried about this he was told to include the value
    of FTT in his calculations, the court heard.

    FTT was a crypto currency worth a few dollars each that FTX itself had created, but Wang said that this
    was problematic.

    If all the FTT was sold off it would cause its price to drop, meaning there ‘might not be enough’ to cover
    Alameda Research’s debts, Wang said

    When this secret became public in media
    reports in November 2022, it caused customers to scramble to withdraw their
    money and led to FTX’s collapse.

    But at the time Wang said he didn’t question it further as he ‘trusted his (Bankman-Fried’s) judgement’.

    By late 2021 Alameda’s debt had reached $3 billion, the court heard.

    At some point, Wang noticed that Alameda’s debts to FTX exceeded the
    combined value of the FTX trading revenue and the value of FTT.

    Roos asked: ‘In that situation where did that money come from?’

    Wang said: ‘From customers.’

    Roos asked: ‘Did you believe FTX or Alameda Research was allowed to use
    or spend customer money?’

    Wang replied: ‘No. The money belonged to customers and customers
    did not give us permission.’

    Despite this, in public Bankman-Fried was reassuring
    customers everything was okay.

    Wang, who is one of the prosecution’ star witnesses, said he committed the crimes with
    Bankman-Fried, Caroline Ellison and Nishad Singh. Both
    have admitted their part in the scheme and are expected
    to testify at the trial

    Bankman-Fried, with Alameda Research chief executive Caroline Ellison, and FTX co-founder Gary Wang, to their left, at Bankman-Fried’s birthday in Hong Kong.
    The group dressed up in wigs resembling Bankman-Fried’s hairstyle 

    On July 31, 2019, the same day he asked for
    Alameda to be allowed to have a negative balance which effectively allowed it
    to borrow an unlimited amount, he Tweeted that everything was fine.

    On Twitter a user asked Bankman-Fried about the ‘conflict of interest’ in being the head of
    FTX and Alameda.

    Bankman-Fried replied that Alameda’s account with FTX is ‘just
    like everyone else’s’.

    Wang told the court that this wasn’t true.

    Wang said that in 2019, Bankman-Fried instructed him to give
    special privileges to Alameda Research, the sister company to FTX that had just been set

    Bankman-Fried was the owner of both companies and until 2021 was the chief executive of Alameda.

    Wang said the special privileges for Alameda included being able to have
    a negative balance – it could owe as much as $65 billion – and make ‘unlimited withdrawals’ from FTX.

    Wang said that even when Alameda didn’t have any money in its account, it could still take money from FTX.

    Assistant US Attorney Nicolas Roos asked: ‘When Alameda Research withdrew money below its zero balance,
    whose money did it withdraw?’

    Wang said: ‘Money belonging to customers of FTX’.

    Roos asked if FTX disclosed Alameda’s special privileges to its investors
    or customers

    Wang said no.

    According to Wang, the unusual arrangement was set up
    by Bankman-Fried to pay for ‘certain expenses’ that Alameda Research had.

    No other accounts on FTX were allowed to hold a negative balance, Wang told
    the court.

    FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried faces 115 years behind bars if convicted 

    Bankman-Fried ordered a $700 million loss be put onto the accounts of its sister company because they
    were more secretive than FTX.

    Wang told the court that faced with the massive sum,
    Bankman-Fried ‘told me to have Alameda take it on’.

    Bankman-Fried told Wang that the reason was ‘FTX s balance sheets are more public than Alameda’s balance sheets’

     According to Wang, Bankman-Fried told him that investors could see FTX’s balances but
    not Alameda’s.

    Bankman-Fried has denied 13 counts between 2019 and 2011 including wire fraud, money laundering and violations
    of campaign finance laws which could see him jailed for 115 years.

    Seven of them are being dealt with at this trial with the rest
    next year.

    Also expected to testify at the trial are Caroline Ellison and Nishad Singh.

    Ellison used to run Alameda and was Bankman-Fried’s former girlfriend while Singh was a top
    engineer at FTX.

    Both have admitted their part in the scheme.

    Wang said that in September 2022 Bankman-Fried raised the
    idea of shutting Alameda down.

    He said a Bloomberg article was coming out which said that FTX and Alameda were far closer than he had
    been publicly claiming.

    Wang told the court that Bankman-Fried said it would be ‘bad for FTX’ and that people would trust the company less.

    Bankman-Fried drew up a Google document describing the arguments for shutting down Alameda,
    which was shown to the jury.

    It said that the ‘PR hit from FTX and Alameda existing it really large.’

    The document also blamed Ellison, who was in charge of Alameda and had previously dated Bankman-Fried,
    and said that ‘current leadership is not good enough’.

    The file also said that her decision not to make an investment known as a hedge
    was ‘critical’ in putting them in the position they were in now.

    During a subsequent meeting Ellison said that Alameda owed FTX $14 billion, Wang told the court.

    Wang said that in 2019, Bankman-Fried instructed him to give special privileges to Alameda Research, the sister company to FTX that had just been set

    On November 6, 2022, customers began withdrawing money at a fast rate because of more damaging reports about FTX’s finances.

    Yet when Wang went to check the company’s balances, he was surprised to
    see that they were equal to what customers had in their wallets.

    Wang said that he didn’t understand as he knew that Alameda had been borrowing heavily from FTX.

    Wang told the court that Bankman-Fried ‘asked me if I was including the special Korean accounts’.

    Wang said: ‘He said are you including our Korean friend? I didn’t know what he was talking about.
    Nishad sent me an account ID and said this was the account that had the balances’.

    The jury heard that Wang was given the customer ID, which was listed under the email account seoyncharles88@gmail.com.
    He had never heard of it before.

    Wang said that the account was changed from an Alameda sub account to this other user ‘so its balances
    would not be included in the line of credit interest payments Alamada was paying’.

    The court heard that on November 12th, a day after FTX declared bankruptcy, Bankman-Fried tried to
    stop FTX’s assets being transferred to a lawyer in the US who had been appointed to wind the company up.

    Wang told the court: ‘He (Bankman-Fried) said that the US side was asking me to transfer the
    remaining assets to the US and Sam said we should try and stall them’.

    Wang said that Bankman-Fried wanted the assets to go to the financial regulator in the Bahamas instead.

    He said: ‘They were more likely, seemed more friendly
    to him, more likely to let him stay in control of the company compared to
    the US’.

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