pyFlashCards is a wxPython based software for creating and studying flash cards.
Thanks to python and wxPython it is multiplatform; it runs on Windows and Linux (you could probably get it to run on a Mac without too much work).
I have developed it to study at medical school because none of the flash card programs I found on the internet would do what I want the way I want it.
Although it isn’t complete, I think that many people can already find it useful.
Here are some key features of “pyFlashCards”:
■ multiplatform: Windows, Linux (and in theory Mac)
■ Sebastian Leitner box system for maximizing long term memory retention
■ html tags allow to highlight important concepts
■ image support for visual learners
■ unicode support allows studying any language
■ Python 2.8.x
■ wxPython 2.6.x (unicode version)
■ You cannot run more than one instance. If you do you will loose data.
■ Right now it is impossible to reuse cards from one file in another file. This will be addressed soon with the export cards feature.







PyFlashCards Crack + Registration Code Download For Windows

pyFlashCards is a python and wxPython based software for creating and studying flash cards.
Thanks to python and wxPython it is multiplatform; it runs on Windows and Linux (you could probably get it to run on a Mac without too much work).
I have developed it to study at medical school because none of the flash card programs I found on the internet would do what I want the way I want it.
Although it isn’t complete, I think that many people can already find it useful.
Here are some key features of “pyFlashCards”:
■ multiplatform: Windows, Linux (and in theory Mac)
■ Sebastian Leitner box system for maximizing long term memory retention
■ html tags allow to highlight important concepts
■ image support for visual learners
■ unicode support allows studying any language
■ Python 2.8.x
■ wxPython 2.6.x (unicode version)
■ You cannot run more than one instance. If you do you will loose data.
■ Right now it is impossible to reuse cards from one file in another file. This will be addressed soon with the export cards feature.
Here is some help to get you started:
Displaying flash card data:
>>> from pyflashcards import cards
>>> list = cards.decrypt(cards.encrypt(“\xa9”.encode(“utf-8”)))
>>> list
[‘\xe9’, ‘\xc5’, ‘\xe9’, ‘\xc5’, ‘\xe9’, ‘\xc5’]

>>> list = cards.decrypt(cards.encrypt(“\xa9”.encode(“iso-8859-1”)))
>>> list
[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘A’, ‘B’]

>>> list = cards.decrypt(cards.encrypt(“Einstein said that all scientific people should read Die Naturwissenschaften.”))
>>> list
[‘\xc4’, ‘\xe9’, ‘\xc4’, ‘\xe9’, ‘\xc4’, ‘\xe9’, ‘\xc4’, ‘\xe9’, ‘\xc4’, ‘\xe9’, ‘\xc4’, ‘\xe9’, ‘\xc4’]

Here are some

PyFlashCards Crack+ Activation Free Download (Updated 2022)

pyFlashCards is a cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac) wxPython based flash card software.
It is designed to be multi-user because in a setting with many students it may be desirable for the cards to be shared by several people. pyFlashCards stores its data in xml files which makes it easy to retrieve and analyze.
You don’t have to make a new file for each subject. You can make one file and populate it as you learn. pyFlashCards automatically creates new versions as you change your flash cards: the new version is always kept in the same directory as the old one so that the old files are still usable if you change your mind. If you want to see the differences you just open the xml file in an xml validator and you can be sure that they are just minor changes. You don’t even have to open the files if you just want to open your files.
The pyFlashCards interface allows anyone to create flash cards. If you use the features mentioned above for maximum long term retention and html markup you can create hypertexts within your flash cards that allow you to connect concepts. pyFlashCards will even go into a subdirectory of your flash cards and create a wxPython application that lets you study the flash cards. The pyFlashCards application then allows you to create topics in flash cards; all topics are stored in a single xml file called “the_dir”. You can create as many topics as you want and store them in the same directory.
License: GNU GPL v2

pyFlashCards Installation:

cd pyFlashCards-2.0.1

Reduce blue color saturation
Bilinear contrast is reduced by the following command:
convert black.png -colors 256 -dither RGB -separate -expand bw -colors 256 -resize 32×32 -rotate 90 out_black.png


PyFlashCards (April-2022)

■ pyFlashCards is a general purpose flashcard program for creating and studying flashcards.
■ To be more precise, it is a graphical extension of a simple
program from Sebastian Leitner. It can be downloaded from Sebastian Leitner’s site.
■ You can start pyFlashCards from the command line. The default interface is wxPython based.
■ A tutorial describing how to use pyFlashCards is available.
■ It is very easy to insert images of your own with the built-in features.
■ You can create a template to use for new flashcards with the built-in features.
■ You can export cards from pyFlashCards.
■ pyFlashCards includes a visual flashcard maker interface.
■ You can import the cards of another user and study with them. There are many ways to search through the cards.
■ pyFlashCards can be used in a web browser. The interface is javascript based.
■ It is fully unicode based.
■ The program has many features but the most important ones for medical studies are:
■ It allows a student to make many cards at once. There is no limit to the number of flashcards you can create.
■ It provides an easily searchable and efficient way of finding important information from the cards.
■ A student can study a card directly on the web interface of pyFlashCards
■ pyFlashCards has built in hashmarks for visual learners. These create tags for the important parts of the card.
■ pyFlashCards can also export tagged cards as html for further study on any platform.
How to use pyFlashCards:
■ To create a flashcard set “pyFlashCards” and “nbconvert” will need to be installed.
■ You can start pyFlashCards from the command line with “python”
■ pyFlashCards works in python 2.6.x only.
■ To download “nbconvert” and “pyFlashCards” you can use “wget”.
■ To download “pyFlashCards” you should get the tar.gz file.
■ To install “pyFlashCards” you should

What’s New in the PyFlashCards?


It’s a wxPython based software for creating and studying flash cards.
Please read the included tutorial before using it.

To get started select one or more symbols from the menu.

By hitting “Add”, you will be taken to a new window where you can add a new card.

The cards can be sorted by name, or image.

The “date added” can be manually changed.

The lower-right button can be used to search for a card.

The card has full text support using the “Add” button.

Card contents are highlighted automatically.

Pop-ups can be disabled if you don’t like them.

Card contents are shown in the “card box”.

Image support allows for visual learners.

The cards can be exported and imported from a “file”, like a “.txt” file.

The images are stored in the “data/images/cards” folder.

There is also a command line version that allows batch exporting and importing of cards (it requires sh.exe).

Basically you just add cards to a “deck” and then “flash” the deck. The cards are only “flashed” if there are questions in the “flash” window.

A special feature are the “Sebastian Leitner boxes” (I am not sure what they are called in english)
These are boxes on the cards that you can drag the card into. They can contain some text or one of a set of symbols (just a suggestion for improvement).
If you drag a box into a “flash” window, it will appear as a question. If you drag a box into the “exported cards” window, it will be shown for all exported cards.
The “Sebastian Leitner boxes” can be added by the “editor” program.

You can also ask questions about cards.

The “toggle hidden cards” button can be used to hide unused cards.

You can close the “flash” and “exported cards” windows.

The “File” button takes you to the bottom of the control bar.


To install pyFlashCards from the zip folder use the following command line:

python install

The above should be on the same folder as the “” file and “data/images

System Requirements For PyFlashCards:

OS: Windows 7 or Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Video Card: 512 MB with 1 GB RAM or equivalent or Nvidia GTX 600 or AMD HD 6870 or equivalent
DirectX: Version 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card with S/PDIF output or onboard sound
It is recommended to have a recent version of 3D

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